

al semplice taglio della vostra parte preferita, alla preparazione di decine di specialità crude pronte per essere cucinate secondo i vostri gusti e tradizioni. Dagli involtini ripieni ai croissant salati, dalle fettine panate alle polpette, queste sono le nostre preparazioni sempre fresche di giornata.

Visualizzazione di 7 risultati



al semplice taglio della vostra parte preferita, alla preparazione di decine di specialità crude pronte per essere cucinate secondo i vostri gusti e tradizioni. Dagli involtini ripieni ai croissant salati, dalle fettine panate alle polpette, queste sono le nostre preparazioni sempre fresche di giornata.

  • Croissant Salati

    5,25 0

    The cultivation area of ​​blueberries is the temperate and cold zones of the Northern Hemisphere. Blueberry bushes are extremely tenacious – their age can reach 100 years. The size of the berries is about 1.2 cm. They have a dark blue color with smoky spraying. Blueberries are actively used both in cooking and in pharmacology.

    5,25 0
  • Impanate 1

    6,00 0

    Blackberries are eaten fresh, and jams are made from them as well as wine and liquors. Eating blackberries is popular in cooking. It makes excellent desserts – pies, ice cream, muffins, rolls and pancakes with blackberry filling, as well as all kinds of drinks, including alcoholic, syrups, tinctures.

  • Impanate 2

    6,00 0

    Blackberries are eaten fresh, and jams are made from them as well as wine and liquors. Eating blackberries is popular in cooking. It makes excellent desserts – pies, ice cream, muffins, rolls and pancakes with blackberry filling, as well as all kinds of drinks, including alcoholic, syrups, tinctures.

  • Involtino Ripieno – 2

    1,75 Confezione da 3 pz.

    There are two types of bananas – sweet and sycamore. The first type is consumed raw or added to desserts. Platano requires preliminary heat treatment and are the basis of salty dishes. On Frutta Verge online store website, only the freshest and most delicious bananas are available, fast delivery will save you from the hassle associated with their purchase.

    1,75 Confezione da 3 pz.
  • Involtino Ripieno – 3

    1,75 0

    There are two types of bananas – sweet and sycamore. The first type is consumed raw or added to desserts. Platano requires preliminary heat treatment and are the basis of salty dishes. On Frutta Verge online store website, only the freshest and most delicious bananas are available, fast delivery will save you from the hassle associated with their purchase.

    1,75 0
  • Involtino Ripieno -1

    1,75 confezione da 5 pezzi, 250gr

    There are two types of bananas – sweet and sycamore. The first type is consumed raw or added to desserts. Platano requires preliminary heat treatment and are the basis of salty dishes. On Frutta Verge online store website, only the freshest and most delicious bananas are available, fast delivery will save you from the hassle associated with their purchase.

    1,75 confezione da 5 pezzi, 250gr
  • Sausage

    4,00 0

    The homeland of kiwi is China. As a result of this, kiwi is often called Chinese gooseberry. In their original natural form, kiwis were much smaller in size and inferior in taste to the present fruit. Modern kiwi is the result of the work of New Zealand gardeners. They are currently grown in many countries with a subtropical climate.

    4,00 0


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Macelleria Info:

Macelleria Pinnelli is an online reliable greengrocery and a fruit store for all to find multiple fresh products which strengthen health and add new interesting and rich tastes to your dinner table. We are happy to serve you!